

  • Written by Super User
  • Category: Statyczne
  • Hits: 24149

The appartment is nicely furnished, the cleanliness is excellent. Even though it is relatively close to city center silent enough for the whole family. ze starszymi dziećmi

Polityka cookies

  • Written by Super User
  • Category: Statyczne
  • Hits: 24502
  1. Serwis nie zbiera w sposób automatyczny żadnych informacji, z wyjątkiem informacji zawartych w plikach cookies.
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  3. Podmiotem zamieszczającym na urządzeniu końcowym Użytkownika Serwisu pliki cookies oraz uzyskującym do nich dostęp jest operator Serwisu
  4. Pliki cookies wykorzystywane są w celu:
    • dostosowania zawartości stron internetowych Serwisu do preferencji Użytkownika oraz optymalizacji korzystania ze stron internetowych; w szczególności pliki te pozwalają rozpoznać urządzenie Użytkownika Serwisu i odpowiednio wyświetlić stronę internetową, dostosowaną do jego indywidualnych potrzeb;
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  8. Operator Serwisu informuje, że ograniczenia stosowania plików cookies mogą wpłynąć na niektóre funkcjonalności dostępne na stronach internetowych Serwisu.
  9. Więcej informacji na temat plików cookies dostępnych jest pod adresem lub w sekcji „Pomoc” w menu przeglądarki internetowej.

Terms and conditions

  • Written by Super User
  • Category: Statyczne
  • Hits: 21979


The Regulations define the conditions under which reservations of the accommodations can be made. The guest accepts these Regulations upon making a reservation and simultaneously the rental contract is concluded.


To make a reservation with booking deposit the guest must complete and send the reservation form which can be found on the Internet site. The reservation requires a prepayment of 30% of the total booking costs. The deposit can be transferred to the bank account number given on the website or paid by credit card, depending on the chosen method of payment.


The contract made between the owner of the accommodations and the guest comprises only and exclusively rental of the accommodations. Travel arrangements, provisions and organizing the time during the stay are left to the discretion of the clients. The price includes utilities (gas, electricity, water) as well as the final clean-out service. The owner will not charge any additional fees other than those indicated on the Internet site of given accommodations, except for the charges for the stay with an animal (see 11).


Arrival to the accommodation must take place at the hours arranged with the person responsible for handing the keys. One day before arrival or earlier, the guest is obliged to inform this person about the planned time of securing the keys. As a rule, the guest can check-in from 2 pm on the day of arrival and must check-out by 12 pm on the day of departure unless it has been agreed otherwise with the person responsible for handing the keys. If the guest is not able to arrive at the previously arranged hour they are obliged to inform immediately the person responsible for handing the keys by phone. The guest is required to pay the full amount, even though the arrival or stay is delayed or shortened because of causes independent of the owner (i.e., transportation difficulties, strikes, personal reasons).


The number of people who are to stay in the accommodation is limited to the number specified in the voucher. In case of any addition of extra people, the guest is obliged to contact the company by phone or by e-mail beforehand. If the number of people exceeds the number specified in the voucher the person responsible for handing the keys may refuse to give the keys to the accommodations. The guest is obliged to observe the rules of good neighbourliness and to keep the accommodations in the found state. Before the guest checks out they have a duty to wash the kitchen utensils as this is not included in the final clean-out service. The guest is obliged to inform the person responsible for handing the keys about possible defects and faults found in the accommodations as well as to report damage caused by them during the stay. The guest shall cover all the costs connected with the damage and its removal. The owner of the damaged property decides about the method of compensation.


a) Change of term of stay

The booking deposit is non-refundable. However, the guest can change the term of his prepaid deposit reservation if the apartment is not occupied for the new term of stay. If the guest chooses a new term which falls in a more expensive season they are obliged to pay the difference in price upon arrival to the person responsible for handing the keys or make an online payment.


b) Prolongation of stay

The term of stay in the accommodations can be prolonged. In order to prolong the stay the guest must contact the owner by phone or via e-mail or make an additional reservation and payment online.

c) Longer stay

The cost of renting the apartment depends on the number of people and season. For the longer stay, price can be adjusted accordingly.


At any time the guest may transfer all the rights to their reservation to another person if the new person accepts all the duties resulting from the reservation. The guest is obliged to contact the owner immediately to inform them about the change and to give the contact data of the person who shall take the rights and duties of the contract.


The client may bring a small pet, specifically a dog or a cat, with him. The charge for a pet is 10 PLN per night. The client takes full responsibility for all possible damage caused by his pet and is obliged to compensate for the damage. The owner of the damaged property decides about the method of compensation.


In case of conflicts between the owner and the guest the applied law is Polish law. The competent court for conflict resolution is at the company's seat of the owner.

Accommodation prices per night start at 240 PLN!THE PRICE DEPENDS ON THE NUMBER OF GUESTS.

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